Construction materials business

One of Dukwon's construction materials businesses has played a major role in replacing traditional products such as clay and asbestos tiles with plastic products. As we are a specialized company in mold injection, we believe that we were able to be developed because we had unique technology through researches for a long time.
In recent years, products with improved building materials have emerged in accordance with various consumer tastes and we made a new concept building material.
The name of our products is are flooring, wall drainage (base), panel, flat plate, ventilation hole etc. It is able to direct various designs and easy to construct and has excellent competitiveness compared with other similar products. They gained much popularity from state and contractors.
This is a project related to water and sewage pipes which is the core of civil engineering works. We have been producing new products with strong corrosion resistance and chemical resistance by replacing the products that were produced with steel pipes or cast iron pipes in the past as strong plastic materials.
This is a pipe for connecting each pipe and it is patented by domestic and foreign countries. It is highly evaluated by experts in civil engineering. Architecture can be called as a comprehensive art. However, we will not satisfied with this and not hesitate to make high-tech construction materials by continuously researching and developing the design and high-quality products with various related parts.